Carolus: System Design Specification for Vattenfall
ELEKTRA project deliverable document
A.Bergenheim, A. Persson, D. Brash,
J. A. Bubenko jr., P. Burman, C. Nellborn and J. Stirna
This report presents the "Design of a future state system for Human Resource Planning and Competency Management" for Vattenfall. The design is documented by a number of specifications, or models. The goals for the Human Resource Planning and Competency Management present major intentions about how the HR issue should be managed in the future. The process model describes HR-related planning activities and document flows at the Vattenfall Group level as well as at the Business Area level. The Concepts Model describes an information space of the HR issue and presents a number of "indicators" by which HR management performance can be measured. It also includes a number of business rules. The Actors Model describes the major players in the area. Finally, a number of interrelations between the different models are presented.
The design is based on analysis of current practices and processes and on extensive deliberation of perceived current problems, needs as well as of opportunities and future goals. The design process has been strongly participative. Six case studies have been performed. More than 30 Vattenfall experts have taken part in these studies leading to initial requirements for incorporating HR planning and competency management aspects into business planning processes at Vattenfall. Some ten Vattenfall HR and business planning experts have actively participated in integrating the requirements and creating the design presented here.
The Vattenfall case offers a rich set of conceptual structures, which will be used to develop adequate generic patterns within the ESI sector. The case has also contributed a large number of requirements for the ESI Consultancy Tool-set.