A Child. What is its Future?

A child.
What is its future?

The street.

Continued education.

A successful working life.
Addiction and misery.

An honored retirement.
Contempt and begging.

Picture from a reading book for the primary
school (8 year olds) in Sweden, 1903

Coloured, translated to English and put up on the Internet by Jacob Palme 2000.

Link to the original picture (1 megabyte).

Swedish original.

Picture text from the original (translated to English, for search engines to catalogue):

  1. A child.
    What is its future?
  2. School.
    The street.
  3. Continued education.
  4. A successful working life.
    Addiction and misery.
  5. An honored retirement.
    Contempt and begging.