A book about Electronic Mail

A book about Electronic Mail

Title: Electronic mail
Author: Jacob Palme
Publisher: Artech House Publishers
Publication year: 1995 but continuously updated since then and thus always up-to-date
ISBN: 0-89006-802-X
Size: 267 pages
Price: 54 $ (U.S.A.), 39 £ (U.K.)
Web page with ordering info:
E-mail address for ordering:artech@artech-house.com
You can also buy the book fromAkademibokhandeln in Electrum,
and Amazon books
Content: Social effects, cost-benefit, functions and techniques, X.400 and Internet standards, market, ethical and legal aspects, research.
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Last update: 22 January, 2005 by Jacob Palme E-mail: jpalme@dsv.su.se.