Latest update 6 December 2004
Hewlett-Packard Company (HP) iPAQ Pocket PC h5550 |
HP iPAQ H5550 |
This serial web pages help you to begin a journey of using a handheld device HP iPAQ H5550. The targeted readers are the students involving our user study at DSV/KTH starting from the end of 2004. However, anyone is welcome to give comments. To get more information about the device specifications, you can visit the web page of Prof. Gerald Q. Maguire Jr. As DSV students, you should already be able to use iPAQ to access DSV online resources, such as Webmail, Daisy and First Class. You could contact if you have problem regarding the issues of displaying DSV Web pages on iPAQ. You are also welcome to contact us with your interest in Master Thesis Project (Exjobb in Swedish) related to developing applications on iPAQ.
Please note, the authoring tool used for these pages is Microsoft Office Publisher 2003 and the pages generated display correctly with Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE6.0). However they may not be fully compatible with other browsers. Currently display problems exist with iPAQ (IE for PPC) and Mobile Phones (Opera), typically some pictures are overlapped with text and bottom links do not work. We will correct these problems and before that we offer an alternative solution to enable you to download a ZIP version of all the pages to browse locally with IE on a PC: Finally, we should say sorry for the inconvenience and good luck for your iPAQ journey. :) |