DSV har skapat avtal som ger dig möjlighet att studera utomlands inom ditt program. Vi har avtal med motsvarande institution vid våra partneruniversitet. På grundnivå sker undervisningen vanligtvis på landets språk. Däremot ges oftast kurser på avancerad nivå på engelska.
Bilaterala avtal
Våra avtal utanför Europa kallas bilaterala institutionsavtal. Det finns stipendium kopplade till avtal med Schweiz som liknar Erasmus+. Det finns därutöver stipendium att söka till endel länder i Asien. Du hittar information i listan nedan. De kinesiska universiteten kan ha ett begränsat kursutbud på engelska. Det förekommer att kurserna ges på kinesiska med litteratur på engelska. Till hjälp kan de utse en assistent som kan engelska.
Erasmus+ är ett utbytesprogram som ger dig möjlighet att studera i andra länder i Europa. När du blir antagen kommer du att bli beviljad Erasmusstipendium under förutsättning att du gör ett språktest innan och efter utbytet samt att du efter din utbytestid besvarar en enkät om din utbytestid. Mer information finns på studera.nu.
Nedan kan du läsa om partneruniversiteten (informationen är på engelska).
Scrolla i listan nedan eller hoppa direkt till ett land genom att klicka på landet här: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Spain, Taiwan, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom,
Bilateral departmental agreeements
Macquarie University - Note that, due to the situation with covid-19, Macquarie University will offer only virtual exchange with distance teaching during the autumn of 2021.
Agreement: Bilateral departmental. Bachelor and Master. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Department of Computing (programming).
Number per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: English.
Language requirements:
Equivalent to Swedish upper secondary school course English B/English 6 (minimum grade C) or
- IELTS Academic, International English Language Testing System: Academic version. Minimum Overall 6.5, all sections at least 6.00,
- TOEFL, iBT: - Test of English as a Foreign Language: Internet-based Test. Minimum Overall 83 or
- University of Cambridge and Oxford certificate in Advanced English or Diploma of English Studies.
Find more information about language requirements here
Approximate semester dates: February - June/July-December.
Orientation/Welcome period often preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring)
Exam period included in the semester dates:
Credits per semester: 40 credit points is the equivalent of 30 ECTS.
Credits per course module: Most courses on undergraduate level is worth 10 credit points each. Macquarie University Grading and Credit Point System.pdf
On exchange studies at the university
Check for scholarship possibilities on the university's website.
Peking University
Agreement: Bilateral departmental. Bachelor and Master. School of Software and Microelectronics.
Language of instruction: Chinese. Limited courses in English.
Approximate semester dates: September - January/February (Chinese New Year - Calender).
Orientation/Welcome week period often preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring)
Credits per semester: 15 - 16 credits.
Credits per course module: From 1,5 credits (1,5 equals 1 lesson hour per week and amounts in total to 16 hours for a course)
Courses in English for undergraduate students
Zhejiang University
Agreement: Bilateral departmental. Bachelor and Master. College of Computer Science and Technology
Language of instruction: Chinese. Limited courses in English.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in an international student dorm.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –January/February (Chinese New Year).
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Yes, after the registration
Credits per semester: 15 – 16 credits for Bachelor or 8 credits for Master
Credits per course module: 1,5 (1,5 equals 1 teaching hour per week and amount to 16 hours for a course)
Wuhan University
Agreement: Bilateral departmental. Bachelor and Master. Computer School and International School of Software.
Language of instruction: Chinese. Limited courses in English.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in on campus.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –January/February (Chinese New Year).
Calender: Around 17 teaching weeks per semester
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring):
Credits per semester: 30 credits for Bachelor
Credits per course module: 1 one credit consists of 18 class hours, assignments and a final exam.
Swedish citizens can apply for Huayu Enrichment Scholarship for studies in mandarin
Tamkang University
Agreement: Bilateral. Bachelor and Master. Department of International Business (Focusing on computer technology and management practice).
Language of instruction: Chinese. Limited courses in English.
Course catalogue and second course catalogue Courses for autumn 2020 will be published around June 20.
Free courses in Chinese:
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in an international student dorm.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September - Chinese New Year.
About mid-term and final exams
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): August 31, 2020
Credits per semester: 16 credits where one credits equals 18 hours of lessons plus related home works and practices. One credits equals 2,5 ECTS
Credits per course module: from 1 credit
Information for international students
Information for foreign exchange students
Erasmus+ agreements
Graz University of Technology (Technische Universität Graz)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computing.
Language of instruction: German at Bachelor level. Several classes are also offered in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October – mid February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Incoming students are required to attend Orientation Session I and II and the Intercultural Orientation Sessions.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: From 4 ECTS and up. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Fachhochschule Oberösterreich) - Hagenberg Campus
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. School of Informatics, Communication and Media.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: German and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September 25 – mid February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Mandatory week before the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: From 1 ECTS and up. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Vienna (Universität Wien)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor-, Master and PhD. Faculty of Computer Science
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Language of instruction: German. Limited courses in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October – February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Recommended arrival 2 weeks before start of the semester with orientation session.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 4 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Ghent University
Agreement: Bilateral. Erasmus+. Bachelor-, Master and PhD. Department of Applied mathematics, computer science and statistics.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Language of instruction: Dutch for all Bachelor’s programmes and English for Master’s programmes. Language qualification is level B2
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing at the University Halls of Residence.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – February. Academic calender 2020-2021
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): 2 Welcome days
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Checklist for incoming exchange students
Welcome guide (2373 Kb)
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.
Language of instruction: Bulgarian and English. Language qualification is level B1or higher.
Accommodation: Housing is guaranteed in a dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October – mid February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Organized the first week of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: From 5-6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Technical University of Sofia (Tehnicheski Universitet Sofia)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor-, Master and PhD. Information and Communication Technologies.
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B1.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in a student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – mid February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Organized the first week of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Copenhagen (Københavns universitet)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor-, Master and PhD.
Subject: Information science, computing.
Language of instruction: Danish. English on the master level. Language qualification is level B1.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: August – January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Prior to the start of the semester differs from one faculty to another so it will follow the faculty where most of your courses are studied.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: From 7,5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Tartu
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor. Narva College. Subject: Computing
Language of instruction: Estonian, Russian and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: August – February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Organised three days prior to the start of the semester. It is recommended to arrive 1-2 days before the orientation period.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 3-6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Tampere (Tampereen Yliopisto)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor-, Master and PhD. School of Information Sciences.
Language of instruction: Finnish. English at the master level. Language qualification is level B2.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: August – December (Autumn semester 16-18 weeks)
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring):
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Turku
Agreement: Erasmus+. Master and PhD. Subject: Computer Science.
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 1
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive guidance in finding accommodation.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – end of December.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Prior to the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 5 ECTS.
Courses for exchange students
Information for incoming students
University of Lille 1 – Science and Technology (Université Lille 1, Sciences et Technologies)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Master. Subject: Computer Science.
Language of instruction: French. Language qualification is level B2.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in an international student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Prior to the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 3 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
INSA Lyon, The National Institute of Applied Sciences (Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Computer Sciences.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2/1
Language of instruction: French and English. Language qualification is level B2 (A certificate may be requiered).
Accommodation: Guaranteed: Exchange students have priority over the housing on the campus (on condition that they apply before deadline).
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: After mid September – end of January/start of February. (from Sept. 13th 2020 to 31st Jan. 2021 - Fall semester // Sept. 13th 2020 to June 18th 2021 - Ac.Year // 2nd semester will start in early Februamy, but we do not know the exact date yet)
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring) with possibility to prepare the exchange study semester at the Summer School 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the semester. It is recommended to arrive 1-2 days before the orientation period.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS. (We sometime allow students to have less than 30 ECTS credits)
Credits per course module: 2-8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Information Science & Technology Semester (IST) is a program for bachelor students given in English.
French Summer School
ECE Paris – Graduate School of Engineering (Ecole Centrale d'Electronique)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master.
Subject: Information and Communication Technologies.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 3 (18 months)
Language of instruction: French and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – December.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autmn and spring):
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Information on admission - incoming exchange student
EPITA Graduate School of Computer Science (Ecole pour l'Informatique et les Techniques Avancées)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Information and Communication Technologies.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: French and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply housing through EPITA: July 1.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – January/February depending on year
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring):
IMPORTANT: Students cannot mix courses of different level or options because of time schedule conflicts.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 1-8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
EPITECH Paris Graduate School of Digital Innovation
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Computer Sciences.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 6/3
Language of instruction: French and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: end of August/September – end of January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Included in the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 1- 8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Courses, temporary list
University Paris 1 Pantheon – Sorbonne (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Department of Mathematics and Informatics UFR27.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Language of instruction: French, English at the master level. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring) with possibility to prepare:
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 2-8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information for incoming exchange students
Information for incoming exchange students Master level
Presentation of the university
Berlin School of Economics and Law (Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor only. Subject: Computer Science involving Department of Business and Economics (Department 1) and Department of Cooperative Studies (Department 2)
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 3
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2 (CEFR).
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive information in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: mid-August – mid December
Orientation/Welcome period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): 1-3 week/s prior to semester start where a possibility to stud German for 2 weeks as part of the weeks preceding the autumn semester if your exchange studies is done via the Department 1, see below.
Required credits to obtain for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester at the receiving university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Course list of courses offered in English with requirements for each course:
Department 1
English Stream - Undergraduate courses in English Language at Campus Schönenberg (pdf) does not include the detailed course descriptions, but students can look those up with the course titles via Campus4U.
How to organize your studies: Department of Business and Economics
Department 2
International Exchange Programmes
Information to incoming exchange students (English)
Information similar to the earlier Fact Sheets
Freie Universität Berlin
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Computer Science
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Language of instruction: German. Limited courses in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing through the university.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October – March.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Suggested arrival 5-10 days prior to the start of the semester
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 1-8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Bremen (Universität Bremen)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Computing. Department Mathematics and Informatics
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: German. Limited courses in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s : October 1 – March 31.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Three orientation weeks including German intensive course from end of September.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Course information
Otto von Guericke Magdeburg University
Agreement: Erasmus+. Master. Subject: Information and Communication Technologies. Faculty of Computer Science.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2/1
Language of instruction: German and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October 1 – March 31.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): More than a week at the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 4-6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange student
Information on Welcome weeks
Information on courses in English
Technische Universität München
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor. Subject: Information and Communication Technologies Department of Informatics.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 5
Language of instruction: German and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive information in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October 1 – March 31.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): At the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 4-8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange student
Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule Osnabrück)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master and PhD. Subject: Computing. Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: German. Limited courses in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September 1 – end of February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): At the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Information Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science
Osnabrück University (Universität Osnabrück)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subjects: Mathematics, Natural Sciences and ICTs. School of Mathematics /Computer Science.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 3 (1 for each level).
Language of instruction: German. Language qualification is level B1.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: : October 1 – March 31.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): A week at the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Rostock (Universität Rostock)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Information and Communication technologies (Business Information). Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: German and English. Limited courses in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October 1 – March 31.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Two weeks at the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineerin
Athens University of Economics and Business (Oikonomiko Panepistimio Athinon)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master level. Subjects: Informatics and Computer Science.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 3
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive information in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: Beginning of September to first week of February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): One week before the semester begins.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 6 – 8 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Course guide
The Aegean Archipelago
University of the Aegean (Panepistimio Egeou)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computing (located on the island of Samos).
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4/2
Language of instruction: Greek and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Incoming students may be entitled to free accommodation depending on room availability.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: Beginning of September to first week of February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): One week before the semester begins.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Course information
University of Pireaus (Panepistimio Pireos)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subjects: Database and Network Design and administration. Software and applications development and analysis. School of Information and Communication Technologies, Department of Digital System.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4
Language of instruction: Greek and English. Limited courses in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive information on how to find housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: Beginning of September to first week of February.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): A week at the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Website of Department of Digital System
International Office
University of Bologna (Università degli Studi di Bologna 'Alma Mater Studiorum')
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computer.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 5
Language of instruction: Italian, level A2. For English B1 (Bachelor) to B2 (Master).
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive information in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September to January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring).
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange student
University of Milano-Bicocca (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computing. Dept. of Computer Sciences, Systems and Communications
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 5
Language of instruction: Italian and English. Italian language qualification is level B1, English language qualification is level B2. Limited courses offered in English.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students contact the University accommodation service on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October 1 – end of January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Last week of September or Last week of February.
Available courses
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 3-6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Kaunas University of Technology (Kauno Technologijos Universitetas)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subjects: Informatics, Computer Science. Faculty of Informatics.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in a student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: 1st of September – end of January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): The week before the start of the semester.
Available courses
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Lower Silesia (Dolnośląska Szkola Wyższa)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor. Subjects: Information and Communication Technologies.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: 1st of October – 31st of January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): The week before the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS (minimum 25 ECTS)
Credits per course module:3-5 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
Key information
Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Instituto Politécnico de Leiria)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Information Technologies. School of Technology and Management.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Languages of instruction: Portuguese and English.
Language qualification is level B1 for Portuguese and B2 for English.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply housing through ILP.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: Arrive the beginning of September or at least one week before the start of classes – end of January and up to mid -February for exams.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Arrive a week prior to the start of the semester and learn about the Welcome Day.
Courses offered in English
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: approximately 2-15 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Courses at School of Technology and Management – Campus 2 is located in Leiria.
Republic of North Macedonia
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subjects: Information and Communication Technologies. Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – FCSE.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: Macedonian and English. Macedonian language qualification is level B1, English language qualification is level B1. Limited courses offered in English.
Accommodation: Students receive information in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: mid-September – December with exams to mid-February.
Calendar (74 Kb)
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Arrive a week prior to the start of the semester. No Orientation/Welcome week mentioned.
Courses offered in English (48 Kb)
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Barcelona (Universitat de Barcelona)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subject: Computer Science. Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2/1
Language of instruction: Catalan and Spanish. English on master level. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Welcome sessions organised and info on these found in the letter of acceptance.
Information on courses
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Information links
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subjects: Information and Communication Technologies. Facultat d´Informàtica de Barcelona / Barcelona School of Informatics (FIB).
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: Catalan, Spanish and English. English on master level. Language qualification is level B1.
Accommodation: Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): When accepted by the university register for Welcome/Orientation Session of two days and for buddies before start of classes.
Information on courses undergraduate level
Information on courses Master level
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Carlos III University of Madrid (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, UC3M)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor. Subject: Computer Sciences. School of Engineering. Leganés Campus.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 3/2
Language of instruction: Spanish and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in a student dormitory or receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Obligatory Opening Welcome Day
Information on courses undergraduate level
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 – 33 ECTS
Credits per course module: minimum 6 ECTS. Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
University of Oviedo (Universidad de Oviedo)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computer Science. School of Computer Sciences Engineering.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: Spanish and English. Limited courses offered in English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –February
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Check at “Erasmus Welcome Week”
Courses taught in English
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
The Netherlands
University of Twente (Universiteit Twente)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computing. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: Dutch and English. Language qualification is level B2. More on language requirements for courses in English
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing through the university.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: August – February. A full academic year is divided into two semesters (1 & 2), and each semester into two blocks (A & B) with a nominal study load of 30 ECTS per semester and 15 per block.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): When accepted by the university compulsory Introductory Week (‘Kick in’) I August.
Exchange courses
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: One course module with study load of 15 ECTS per block.
Information to incoming exchange student
Radboud University (Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subjects: Informatics, Computer Science. Faculty of Science
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: Dutch and English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: First Monday of September – end of January.
Calendar The academic year is divided into four quarters and courses into four blocks.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): 1 week to two weeks before the start of the semester.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Structure of the courses at the university
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: 3,5 or 6 ECTS. Courses are mostly studied parallel over the semester. One block per quarter and two blocks per semester with 15 ECTS per block.
Information to incoming exchange students
Utrecht University
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subjects: Information and Communication Technology. Faculty of Science.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2/1
Language of instruction: Dutch and English. Language qualification for English TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge EFL test, or CEFR level B2 (bachelor) or C1 (master).
Accommodation: Students may apply for housing through the university.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – 31 January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring)
Course catalogue
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Atilim University (Atilim Universitesi)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor and Master. Subjects: Computer Engineering and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). Faculty of Engineering.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2/1
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive guidance in finding accommodation.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September –January.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Courses Department of Computer Engineering
Beykent University (Beykent Universitesi)
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computing. Department of Computer Engineering. Department of Software Engineering.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B1.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive guidance in finding accommodation.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: October –January. 16 weeks semester followed by an exam week in January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): See Calendar below.
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 30 ECTS
Credits per course module
Information to incoming exchange students
International Office
KOÇ University
Agreement: Erasmus+. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computer Science. College of Social Sciences and Humanities, Department of Media and Visual Arts, College of Engineering.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 2
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students may apply for housing in a student dormitory.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: Around mid-September – to around d January.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): One week before the start of the semester.
Course terminology
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 15 Koc Credits which is equal to 30 ECTS
Information to incoming exchange students
Info links
United Kingdom
University of Aberdeen
Agreement: Erasmus+/Bilateral. Bachelor. Subject: Information and Communication Technologies
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive guidance in finding accommodation.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – December.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring):
Credits per semester: 60 credits for Bachelor
Credits per course module: Normal requirement is 4 courses per semester, 15 credits per course. Courses are studied parallel over the semester
Information to incoming exchange students
De Montfort University
Agreement: Erasmus+/Bilateral. Bachelor. Subject: Computer Science
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification is level B2.
Accommodation: Not guaranteed. Students receive guidance in finding accommodation.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September – December.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring): Mandatory participation in the International Welcome Week.
Credits per semester: 60 credits for Bachelor.
Credits per course module. Courses and credits at the university.Courses are studied parallel over the semester/academic year.
Information to incoming exchange students
Middlesex University
Agreement: Erasmus+/Bilateral. Bachelor, Master and PhD. Subject: Computer Sciences.
Number of students per either semester or academic year: 4
Language of instruction: English. Language qualification: Level B2.
Accommodation: Students may apply for housing in a student dormitory or receive assistance in finding housing on their own.
Approximate semester dates including exam week/s: September to December and January to June. Note that bachelor level students are expected to do a full academic year.
Orientation/Welcome week period preceding the start of the semester (autumn and spring)
Required credits to obtain for full-time studies for outbound students from DSV: 30 ECTS
Credits for full-time studies per semester according to the partner university: 60 Middlesex Credits must be on undergraduate /Bachelor level. Credit transfer as Complementary studies on undergraduate level in relation to a Bachelor degree.
Credits per course module: Courses are studied parallel over the semester.
Information to incoming exchange students
Courses in Computer Sciences