Her Excellency the Ambassador of Rwanda to Sweden and other Nordic countries, Dr. Diane Gashumba, visited the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University on January 10, 2022. The meeting was initiated by the Ambassador herself to discuss the collaboration program between University of Rwanda and Sweden, and especially DSV’s important role in leading the Digital Health and Infrastructure subprograms. The collaboration is financed by Sida, The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency.
The program is running 2019–2024, with possible prolongation due to the pandemic. It aims to strengthen the research capacity and expertise in Digital Health as well as to develop the ICT infrastructure and business solutions at the University of Rwanda.
Both subprograms are led by professor Uno Fors, with assistance from other researchers at DSV. They include, among other things, supervision of four PhD students, two postdocs and support to increase capacity, skills and knowledge in digital health and infrastructure at the University of Rwanda.
At the meeting, the Ambassador expressed her appreciation of DSV’s work so far as well as discussed possibilities to further develop the collaboration between DSV and University of Rwanda.
DSV was represented by professor Uno Fors; professor Jelena Zdravkovic, the new head of department, professor Panagiotis Papapetrou, the new vice head of department; Edgar Napoleon Asiimwe from DSV’s SPIDER research centre; Gerard Nyiringango, PhD student from University of Rwanda and postdoc researcher Jean Claude Byungura. The Embassy of Rwanda to Sweden and other Nordic countries was represented by Dr. Diane Gashumba and Josée Butera.
Contact uno@dsv.su.se
More information on SPIDER’s website