More specifically, the research in Immersive Networking led by Theo Kanter concerns technologies for crowd-sensing in application areas such as Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS). The research has created MediaSense, an open-source IoT platform and service for connecting people, places and things. MediaSense enables us to create IoT applications, such as crowd-sensing. On-going projects address the well-being of elderly in smart homes and cooperative intelligent transport systems that maximize personal travel experiences while minimizing the overall energy footprint of traffic.
The research collaboration EU-FIRE-China has deployed a common testbed for scalable IoT services based on MediaSense via so-called IPv6 peering between the universities. IPv6 is the next-generation Internet Protocol that offers 57 billion addresses per gram of the total mass of planet Earth, enough to connect anything imaginable to the Internet. Equally importantly, Associate Professor Yuhong Li supervises research at Beijing BUPT contributing to improvements for MediaSense on Android, while MediaSense-based applications on Andriod are being considered.
Professor Theo Kanter at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences presented research and experimentation with Future Internet technologies (as embodied in MediaSense) at the EU-FIRE-China Workshop on Autonomic Future Internet standardization and Software-Defined Networks (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) & IPv6 impacts. This workshop was collocated with European Workshop on Software Defined Networks (EWSDN) 2014 in Budapest.
At the workshop, the EU CHINA future Internet common Activities and Opportunities (ECIAO) project, chose MediaSense as a programmable and interoperable platform for IoT and cloud services for use in large-scale European-Chinese wide experiments based on IPv6.
Click the links below for more information regarding the collaboration and collaborators: