Professor Strickland was welcomed by the head of department Uno Fors, and given an introduction to activities at the department, as well as a guided tour. Stockholm’s Vice Mayor for Schools and Education, Lotta Edholm, also participated in the event, together with representatives from Kista Science City and telecoms company Ericsson AB.
The tour included a visit to the Egovlab Center and a brief presentation of the EU-funded project Co-Inform, which works to expand the EU's strategy to tackle the spread and impact of online disinformation and "fake news" in Europe.
As part of the tour, Prof. Strickland also visited the Digital Art Center, a public exhibition environment where research communication is presented with the help of artistic technologies. On show during the visit were two science and art exhibitions: "Children's Nobel", in which preschool children interpret Nobel Prize-winning results in terms of images; and "Molecular Machines", created in honour of the 2016 award winners in Chemistry, Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart and Bernard L. Fering.
The Nobel Laureate also visited the Stockholm Science and Innovation School, a public upper secondary school with a focus on research and innovation, run in close collaboration with Stockholm University and other institutions. The school is, like the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, located in Kista, a district with a large immigrant population, and where many are underprivileged. Here, Prof. Strickland learned how the school helps develop an entrepreneurial perspective and equips the students for higher studies and scientific research.
Click the links below for more information
- Egovlab's website
- Digital Art Center (in Swedish)
- Stockholm Science and Innovation School (in Swedish)
The Nobel Lectures 2018 at Stockholm University
Donna Strickland and her colleague Gérard Mourou received the Nobel Prize for their scientific method that enabled the construction of laser systems that are able to make highly precise incisions, used, for example, in laser eye surgery. On December 8, Prof., Strickland holds an open lecture at Stockholm University.
Click on the link to read more about the Nobel Lectures 2018