The presentation poses important challenges for education and attempts to explore the promises made by education in relation to economic success, self-reliance and self-employment
It argues that education promises the alleviation of poverty. However, despite education programs often couched as development programs, Kenyans continued to be constructed by such bodies as UN and World Bank as among the world’s poorest people.
The presentation observes that education for development programs construct underdeveloped and impoverished subjects. Such a perspective informs many of the development projects that have taken place in Kenya. Such projects tend to ignore the richness of the local institutions, practices and knowledge’s. Welcome!
Time: 11th of November 2013 at 14:00–15:00
Place: Seminar room 6202, floor 6, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Kista
For more information, please contact: Sirkku Männikkö Barbutiu, e-post: sirkku@dsv.su.se