Ulf, Jesper and Kian – the team who runs the lab's technology
Today, a team of three people is working with the operation and maintenance of the technology in the security lab. The two master's students, Ulf Noring and Jesper Bergman, are responsible for the technical operation of the complex infrastructure required by the advanced security lab.
- In the lab, we work with the best technology that fulfils industry standards. These are the same standards utilized by the forensic experts of Swedish law enforcement, says Jesper Bergman. And we have tools for forensic analysis of computers and S2D2, i.e. Small Scale Digital Devices such as GPS, tablets, smartphones and mobile phones, Jesper continues.
The third person who works in the laboratory is Kian Rozi, who coordinates the overall operation of the lab and lectures on both the theoretical and technical aspects of digital forensics and IT security.
- We are particularly pleased with the virtual infrastructure that allows us to offer our students a laboratory that is scalable and geographically unbound. It provides a greater number of students with access to the necessary IT environment required for practical application of the theoretical aspects covered by the lectures, says Kian Rozi.