This is the headline in the renowned Wired. The article pays attention to an animated film by Jon Karlung, Bahnhof and Love Ekenberg, DSV. Through ginger bread animation the film comments on spying scandals. “It’s probably the single most enjoyable comment on the year’s NSA spying scandal. And it’s certainly the strangest" the journalist says.

“The many revelations during this year have put a spotlight on the current situation with various authorities and companies basically running amok in their eagerness to monitor our behaviour for various reasons, of which very few are fair or sound, Love Ekenberg explains.

The future does not look bright in this perspective at all according to Love. On the contrary it becomes worse every day. Contrast this to what UN states in its Universal Declaration of Human Rights (article 19): “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

“This right is fundamental in every decent society so the entire situation is completely ridiculous as well as terribly dangerous. Of course, we do not believe for a second that a gingerbread house will change the situation into any extent. But at least we are funny. They are not,” Love concludes.

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Links to Wired article

Facts about the film

"Gingerbread Data Center: NSA & Sweden Eat Cake"

Script and filming: Jon Karlung, Bahnhof and Love Ekenberg, DSV
Editing: Lars in de Betou
Sound: Olle Karlsson

Links to the film
