Yanis Varoufakis is a well-known academic economist and one of the leading profiles in the debate on the recent economic crises in Europe and the United States. He will be a guest professor at DSV on 20 % during November 1 2013 – February 29 2016.
Yanis Varoufakis will be connected to the DSV centre eGovlab. He will focus on game theory and how that could influence policy. The eGovlab is a centre where the future of inclusive governance and citizen service delivery is being forged – not just in theory but also in practice. Centre Director Vasilis Koulolias is extremely pleased.

“Having Dr. Varoufakis as an addition to the SU DSV/eGovlab team will enhance our research capacity on Game and Decision theory with respect to the policy support actions that are underway,” Vasilis Koulolias says.
The eGov Lab research spans different areas of e-government at large i.e. Modernisation of public sector systems and e-services, Configurable Process Models, eDemocracy and participative decision-making, Policy and Decision Support, Open knowledge-based society, Internet of Things (IoT) & Cloud Services, Technology enhanced learning and Interaction design. Vasilis Koulolias hopes that Yanis Varoufakis specially will contribute to knowledge in decision and policy making.
"We expect results that will be applied by policy makers in the Swedish, Nordic and European context positioning eGovlab as a National testbed for policy support,” Vasilis Koulolias concludes.
About Yanis Varoufakis
Yanis Varoufakis is an academic economist, an author, and a prominent contributor to the debates on the recent economic crises in Europe and the United States. Born in Athens, 1961, he moved to England to read Mathematics and Statistics and holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Essex.
He is currently Professor of Economic Theory at the University of Athens and Visiting Professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. His previous academic appointments include the Universities of Essex, East Anglia, Cambridge, Sydney and Glasgow.
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Wikipedia about Yanis Varoufakis