All news
Jelena Zdravkovic new Head of Department 2022-01-21 Jelena Zdravkovic is the new Head of Department and Panagiotis Papapetrou is the new Vice Head of Department at DSV since January 1, 2022.
Ambassador of Rwanda visits DSV 2022-01-11 Digital health was on the agenda when the Ambassador of Rwanda to Sweden visited DSV at Stockholm University. The ongoing collaboration is financed by Sida.
DSV and Spotify in scientific collaboration 2021-11-01 Three industrial doctoral students from Spotify study the future of machine learning together with researchers from DSV at Stockholm University.
Geopolitics, e-health and drones at popular hybrid conference 2021-10-28 From national security to designs of the future, pregnancy apps, drone deliveries and smart cities. 650 participants from 45 countries got together at Digitalize in Stockholm 2021.
DSV researchers wrote one of the most downloaded articles at AMCIS 2021 2021-10-06 Among the many papers at the 2021 AMCIS conference, the contribution of Rahmat Mulyana, Lazar Rusu and Erik Perjons stood out.
Sharing is (not always) caring 2021-09-30 Would you like to have a total stranger sleeping in your spare room? DSV researcher Airi Lampinen studies interpersonal aspects of the hyped sharing economy.
Research-based tools battle disinformation on Twitter 2021-09-28 Fake or fact? Social media is flooded with disinformation. A European team led by DSV researchers has created tools to expose “fake news”.
And the award went to… Zhendong Wang! 2021-09-08 The best student paper award at this year’s AIME conference was written by Zhendong Wang, PhD student at DSV. Congratulations!
”The energy sector needs more policy-oriented research” 2021-07-20 What are the hot topics in energy research today, and what knowledge is still missing? We talked to professor Afzal Siddiqui.
Digitalising Mental Healthcare Access in Uganda (DiMHA) 2021-06-28 The research project uses the ongoing global digital transformation to improve people’s mental health and provide a basis for future digitalisation of mental health services in Uganda.
SPIDER och IVL i samarbete för hållbara transporter i Rwanda 2021-05-06 SPIDER och IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet ska tillsammans genomföra ett utbildningsprogram om design och utveckling av säkra, smarta och hållbara transporter i Rwanda. Projektet finansieras av Svenska Institutet och satsningen pågår i ett år med start i september 2021.
EXTREMUM bring together expertise from machine learning, law and healthcare 2021-05-06 Panagiotis Papapetrou is the leader of the research project Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources (EXTREMUM) at Digital Futures.
“You can do a lot even with small resources, if you do the right things” 2021-04-26 Uno Fors is Associate Director for Diversity and Inclusion and the Co-PI of the research project DataLEASH at Digital Futures. He also initiated the first call for Diversity and Inclusion projects at Digital Futures.
The aim: to build a high-quality prediction computer tool 2021-04-08 Hazard and risk screening are in focus for one of the work packages in Mistra SafeChem. Ulf Norinder is developing a computational toolbox to estimate whether chemicals are hazardous or not.
He wants to help self-driving vehicles and road users understand each other 2021-03-17 How do we react to self-driving vehicles? And how can they learn how other road users act? These are the main issues in Barry Brown´s new research project.
Two research grants on AI and autonomous systems 2021-03-08 Wallenberg foundations award almost SEK 70 million to 10 research projects on AI and autonomous systems. Two grants are awarded to researchers at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences.
How to have a meaningful videochat...with your dog 2021-02-25 Quarantine, social distancing, and travel restrictions make people video call their dogs. What do dogs get out of the experience? Oskar Juhlin comments on an article in Wired based on his research.
Open call for postdoc fellows within Digital Futures 2020-12-17 Digital Futures postdoc fellowships aim to support talented early career researchers in pursuing their research ideas and developing their future career.
Artificial intelligence for simulating pandemics 2020-04-08 Aron Larsson and Panagiotis Papapetrou are supported by Vinnova to simulate pandemics together with the Public Health Agency of Sweden.
- Recommendations for regional policymakers to improve the current policy environment around smart cit 2020-03-10 Stockholm, 10/03/2020 – The PriMaaS project was launched August 2019 under the INTERREG EUROPE programme and the ERDF. eGovlab at DSV Stockholm University is an advisory partner in the project.
Research project in technology-enhanced learning receives grant from the Swedish Research Council 2020-01-20 The Swedish Research Council awards Jalal Nouri, Panagiotis Papapetrou, Mohammed Saqr and Thashmee Karunaratne SEK 6 million for computer-driven school development and application of machine learning in education.
DSV student awarded the ISACA Sweden Chapters scholarship 2019-11-21 Master student Rickhard Alén was awarded the ISACA Sweden Chapter's master thesis scholarship in the field of IT security for the master thesis Measuring the Effectiveness of Information-Security Education, Training, and Awareness.
Meet ACM member Airi Lampinen 2019-11-13 Meet Airi Lampinen, an Associate Senior Lecturer in Human-Computer Interaction at Stockholm University, and a member of Association for Computing Machinery, ACM.
Welcome to the One-Day conference Autonomy in Digital Society 2019-09-26 “Autonomy in Digital Society” is the concluding endeavor of the Digital Human Sciences committee at Stockholm University, and is held November 7, 2019. Keynote speakers: Richard Grusin, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Peter-Paul Verbeek, University of Twente.
- Honorary Doctorate Lecture: Elizabeth Churchill, Google 2019-09-19 Google's Material Design: Balancing Research, Design, and Engineering.
"Three Wise Men - an Easter Tale" showcases on MicroActs Cave Cinema 2019-05-08 "Three Wise Men - an Easter Tale", a film by Love Ekenberg, Olle Karlsson and Lars In De Betou at Stockholm University, and Jon Karlung, Bahnhof, is selected to the film festival MicroActs in London.
Youth Work in the Digital Era 2019-04-12 eGovlab welcomes you on the 9th of May to celebrate youth work and exchange of knowledge on best practices in digital youth work!
Elizabeth Churchill appointed Honorary Doctor at Stockholm University 2019-04-11 Elizabeth Churchill has been appointed Honorary doctor at Stockholm University. Elizabeth has been an important collaborator with DSV and especially with Professor Barry Brown’s research group.
Jean Claude Byungura wins the Outstanding Paper Award 2019-03-28 Byungura wins the Outstanding Paper Award at SITE 2019 for his paper “Development and Validation of a Holistic IT-institutional Alignment Model for Higher Education institutional performance”.
Insights from citizen observers and inspiring plans ahead 2019-03-19 eGovalb with the Ground Truth 2.0 project's Swedish citizen observatory VattenFokus met with the Länsstyrelsen i Södermanlands län officials to discuss results from the citizen observers group and make new plans.
Nobel Laureate in Physics visits Stockholm University 2018-12-07 Professor Donna Strickland, one of the 2018 Nobel Laureates in Physics, visited the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences in Kista during Nobel Week 2018.
Formas supports #MeToo research at DSV 2018-10-05 Karin Hansson from DSV have received an urgent grant from Formas to collect data on # MeToo activism in Sweden.
Chiara Rossitto and Airi Lampinen win the Best Paper Award 2018-06-26 Chiara Rossitto and Airi Lampinen have won the David Martin Best Paper Award at ECSCW 2018.
EU funding for tool to help job seekers 2018-06-12 The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences has been granted EU funding to develop a system, SkillsMatch, to help job seekers. The goal is an EU-wide system focusing on non-cognitive skills and to help users adapting to the labor market.
New textbook on clinical text mining 2018-06-05 Professor Hercules Dalianis has written the first text book on clinical text mining.
Combating Misinformation: An Ecosystem in Co-creation, by eGovlab, OECD, ICA and OU 2018-04-20 Digital disruption through misinformation highlights the need for national governments to create an inclusive, transparent and accountable digital sphere to address this phenomenon.
Gig workers in the platform economy bear the burden of entrepreneurs’ responsibilities 2018-04-23 Gig workers take the same risks and responsibilities of entrepreneurs, without getting the freedom. Airi Lampinen discusses gig economy on YLE TV1's A-studio.
The Cambridge Analytica case highlights the need to consider privacy as a social issue 2018-03-28 Airi Lampinen discusses the Cambridge Analytica case as well as on what it reveals about Facebook and its users on Swedish Radio.
Meeting the need for higher education on a massive scale in Sub-Saharan Africa 2018-03-19 “We need to invest in human capital and education with regard to economic growth, and as the promoter of democratic freedom in Sub-Saharan Africa", says Love Ekenberg to University World News.
Love Ekenberg appointed as ICDE Chair 2018-01-30 Professor Love Ekenberg at Stockholm University is appointed as ICDE Chair for large-scale higher education in sub-Saharan Africa.
- Lighting the Dark Web 2017-12-19 DSV part of the four year project “Police Detectives on the TOR Network” funded by NordForsk.
- Ground Truth 2.0 2018-01-23 Εnvironmental indicators in urban and rural areas
- The Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP) 2017-12-06 Exploring and demonstrating the once-only principle across borders, focusing on data from businesses. TOOP wants to enable better exchange between business and public administration while reducing the administrative burden for both.
Empowering youth work in the digital age with ICT4YOUTHWORK 2019-11-12 Enabling youth workers reaching young people and delivering them activities through the latest technologies and digital media.
Self-driving cars confuse pedestrians 2017-11-20 Barry Brown points out that while robot cars are safe, their actions can sometimes seem strange to pedestrians or other drivers who struggle to know what the cars are going to do next.
Teslas in autopilot can make lane changes considered as rude by human drivers 2017-11-17 Press-clip. Barry Brown found that Teslas in autopilot can make lane changes in ways that would be considered rude by human drivers. Article in The Guardian.
- DSV students rewarded for master thesis in the field of IT security 2018-05-25 Master students Salah Addin ElShekeil and Saran Laoyookhong were awarded the ISACA Sweden Chapter's master thesis scholarship in the field of IT security for the master thesis ”GDPR Privacy by Design - From Legal Requirements to Technical Solutions”.
Software revolutionises the fashion industry 2017-08-23 Unlimited opportunities to integrate technology into everyday clothes hamper when a focus is not on software development, Oskar Juhlin says, in El Espectador.
UN agency UNESCO establishes a professorship in collaboration with Stockholm University 2017-07-03 Love Ekenberg at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences is appointed this UNESCO Chair for developing a model for large-scale higher education in Southern Africa Development Community countries (SADC).
Programming dancing robots develops children’s logical thinking 2017-05-24 Whether kids learn more or less of using digital tablets in schools is impossible to say – technology is not black and white. But programming in a group supports their logical thinking and creates camaraderie.
- Dissertation Elin Uppström 2017-05-24 Elin Uppström will defend her thesis "Designing, Theorizing, and Reflecting on Information Systems Artifacts and Value Co-Creation in e-Government"
- Dissertation Bin Xiao 2017-05-24 Bin Xiao will defend his thesis "Data-Centric Network of Things: A Method for Exploiting the Massive Amount of Heterogeneous Data of Internet of Things in Support of Services"
- Dissertation Georg Hodosi 2017-06-05 Georg Hodosi will defend his thesis "Information Technology Outsourcing in Large Companies in Sweden: A Perspective on Risks, Relationships and Success Factors"
- Dissertation Isak Karlsson 2017-05-17 Isak Karlsson will defend his thesis "Order in the random forest"
- MYiHealth 2017 2017-05-12 Welcome to MYiHealth – an international meeting on healthcare digitization, taking patient needs as its vantage point and focusing on outcomes that really matter to the patient.
Research Funding in IT Management 2017-05-10 Professor Lazar Rusu’s application to Swedish Research School of Management and Information Technology (MIT)for research funding in IT management at DSV has been successful.
Cyber security central to democracy 2017-04-11 Fredik Blix has been involved with cyber security for 20 years. He recently hacked a phone on live radio, and he warns that both society and individuals are too naive in their use of IT.
Record-young Professor in Computer and Systems Sciences 2017-04-05 Professor Panagiotis Papapetrou is, at the age of 35, the youngest person appointed to a professorship at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences.
Mobile technology that puts people first 2017-04-03 Pleasure, enjoyment and happiness – these have been the watchwords of Mobile Life, whose operations will now continue at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences.
Barry creates smart environments 2017-04-03 How often do you look at your mobile phone and what do you use it for? These are questions that Barry Brown studies in order to created smarter technical solutions.
Stockholm University helps shape Europe’s startup hub 2017-03-31 Stockholm is one of Europe's most important tech hubs. Several of those researching and studying at Stockholm University is also those behind the next generation of startup companies.
Hack4Sweden and Minister Ardalan Shekarabi at eGovlab/DSV 2017-03-27 The Minister of Public Administration Ardalan Shekarabi visited eGovlab/DSV during the hack for Sweden contest. He fully supported our efforts for a smarter and inclusive Public Administration.
Reimagining Education for the Fight against Corruption 2017-03-27 Stockholm, Sweden- 24 March, 2017. eGovlab has joined forces with the World Economic Forum’s Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) in building the foundation that will curb corruption.
“The Cloud can’t keep autonomous vehicles from crashing” 2017-03-10 There are two looming obstacles to the full realization of the Internet of Things (IoT).
Researchers Develop Methods for Fighting Crime on Cyber Network Tor 2016-12-02 Department of Computer and Systems Sciences receives SEK 3.5 million for developing techniques to collect evidence of cyber crime on the anonymity network Tor. Oliver Popov is responsible for digital forensics and IT security.
- Dissertation Amin Jalali 2016-11-28 Amin Jalali will defend his thesis "Aspect-Oriented Business Process Management".
- Dissertation Eric-Oluf Svee 2016-11-24 Eric-Oluf Svee will defend his thesis "Consumer Preferences to Promote Values Awareness in Information Systems Development"
Researchers analyse healthcare data to improve treatment of heart failure 2016-11-23 Researchers at Stockholm University receive SEK 4.5 million to study factors of importance for the treatment of heart failure patients.
How companies shall work with digitalisation to achieve sustainable business value 2016-11-19 Jens Ohlsson, the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, has the answers to how companies should work with efficiency to release resources that can be used for digital innovation.
GLOBHE and Stockholm University carry out landscape analysis project by drones 2016-11-17 Monica Winge, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, carries out an UAV landscape analysis project in collaboration with Globhe. The analysis is made for Chemonics International and for USAID.
Panagiotis Papapetrou receives SEK 3.4 million from Swedish Research Council 2016-11-08 Panagiotis Papapetrou, the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, receives a starting grant for his project “Temporal Data Mining for Detecting Adverse Events in Healthcare”.
- Dissertation Jens Ohlsson 2016-11-07 Jens Ohlsson will defend his thesis "Exploring Designs for a Process Prioritisation Method"
Aron Henriksson awarded the Börje Langefors Prize for his doctoral thesis 2016-11-02 Aron Henriksson, the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, receives the Swedish premier prize in Information Systems/Informatics in 2016, the Börje Langefors Prize.
Jelena Zdravkovic receives a grant from Bengt G. Lundberg's Foundation 2016-10-17 Jelena Zdravkovic, the Department of Computer and System Sciences, receive a grant of nearly SEK 215,000 from Bengt G. Lundberg's Foundation to be used for expanded research in Information Systems.
Delivering outsourcing services in diverse contexts with a new approach 2016-11-02 Janis Stirna, Jelena Zdravkovic and Martin Henkel, the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, has developed a method to help businesses adapt to rapid changes in the world. The result commercialises by Altice Labs, Portugal Telecom Inovacao, CLMS, Croz, Everis and Siv AG.
Barry Brown's research on Smart Implicit Interaction receive SEK 12 million 2016-10-11 The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research has awarded Barry Brown at the Department of Computer and systems Sciences, and the Mobile Life Centre a grant sum of SEK 12 million for the project "Smart Implicit Interaction”.
The mysterious health benefits of Pokémon Go (and other games) 2016-10-07 Barry Brown, the Department of Computer and System Sciences in The Inquirer on game design, parents' attitude changes, how gamification is at the heart of making the digital world a place to nurture health, and why Pokémon Go get people to move, interact and lose weight.
Press Release CISMOB Conference, Fri, 16 September 2016 2016-09-26 On Friday the 16th of September, eGovlab hosted the CISMOB conference on Intelligent Transport Systems and Smart Mobility, at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, University of Stockholm.
Riksbankens Juileumsfond funds a sabbatical where Artificial Intelligence analyses medical records 2016-08-30 Professor Hercules Dalianis at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences receives funding with 1,327,000 SEK from RJ Sabbatical for his project where Artificial Intelligence analyses.
Tony Lindgren awarded for best presentation at ICAIR 2016 2016-08-22 Tony Lindgren at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) won the prize for best oral presentation at ICAIR 2016 in Kitakyushu, Japan.
- Visit from Sri Lankan Delegation 2018-05-25 The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences and Stockholm University was visited by Sri Lanka’s Minister of Skills Development and Vocational Training and the Vice Chancellor for the National Institute of Business Management in Colombo.
eGovernance - Open Innovation and Co-Creation Workshop 2016-05-18 A 30-member delegation from 5 African states visited Kista and eGovlab on April 20th. They were part of the International Training Programme organized by SIPU, The Swedish Institute for Public Administration.
Jelena Zdravkovic - new professor of Computer and Systems Sciences 2016-05-07 Jelena Zdravkovic has been appointed professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University. She is Head of the Information Systems Unit.
Improve your digital competences on-line with eSkills Match 2016-04-12 eSkills Match is an EU co-funded project at Stockholm university, aiming to provide a system for e-skills and digital competences. The on-line platform is going live during spring.
*DSV 50 years* – open jubilee event 2016-03-08 Welcome to our second 50th Anniversary seminar! Henrik Hansson, Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, and Kerstin Borglin, Director at Spider, will be presenting ICT4D.
- Significant increase of applicants for international programmes 2018-05-25 DSV's Master's Programme in IT Project Management among top five most popular programmes, with a 60% increase of applicants.
In the future you will pay extra for an offline bed 2016-01-15 What happens if the technical development continues in the present way? This question has been investigated by the project Consumer-facing IoT at Mobile Life. The result - a report and a design fiction Ikea catalogue.
DSV part of DiasporaLink 2015-12-02 DiasporaLink is a 4-year exchange program between 24 universities and research institutes representing EU, the Americas, Africa and Asia and will investigate, evaluate and facilitate transnational diaspora entrepreneurship (TDE).
Mobile Life Centre's study reveals that most Apple Watch owners use it as a watch 2015-12-03 A breakdown in usage of Apple Watch is done by Mobile Life Centre at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences. The majority of Watch interactions (20%) come from time checking.
Antigone's Diary becomes a mural when youth in Husby tell about their lives 2015-12-02 A motif from the mobile phone performance Antigone's Diary by the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences's Rats Theater becomes a mural when youth in Husby are empowered to transform their area.
e-Health workshop with eGovlab at Digital Health Days 2015-09-30 In light of the Digital Health Days held in Stockholm in September, eGovlab at Stockholm University brilliantly engaged with e-health industry experts through a hands-on workshop and presentation.
The world's CIOs to Stockholm to discuss the prospects of mobile government 2015-09-04 The world’s CIOs gather for the International Council for IT in Government Administration Conference hosted by eGovlab and the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.
Startup Boot Camp at DSV 2015-09-07 On the 26th and 27th of August, a group of young women entrepreneurs visited DSV to practice how to pitch their innovations and business ideas.
IT minister of Rwanda Jean Philbert Nsengimana visits DSV 2015-06-25 Jean Philbert Nsengimana, IT minister of Rwanda, visited the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University to learn more about our various collaborations with Rwanda.
Janis Stirna - new Professor at DSV 2015-06-05 Janis Stirna appointed as professor within Information Systems at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University.
Jalal Nouri awarded the prize for best PhD thesis and scientific performance 2015 2015-06-02 Jalal Nouri at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences awarded the prize for best PhD thesis and scientific performance 2015 at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Stockholm University.
Theo Kanter on Crosstalks TV – The promise and threat of Artificial Intelligence 2015-05-20 Artificial Intelligence might soon be as ubiquitous as electricity in our everyday lives. The possibilities are seemingly endless. But can the rise of intelligent machines pose a grave threat to humanity?
The brand new Master's Programme in Cyber Security takes shape in DSV's security lab 2015-05-18 The preparations for the new Master's Programme in information security are at full speed in the Cyber Systems Security Laboratory.
EU-FIRE-China – a research collaboration with universities in China 2015-04-27 Professor Theo Kanter at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences leads research in the area of Internet-of-Things within the scope of EU-FIRE-China collaboration.
The Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Information Technology visits eGovlab 2015-04-16 On the 13th of April Mehmet Kaplan, Minister for Housing, Urban Development and Information Technology at the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation honoured eGovlab with his presence.
New Master’s programme in cyber security will meet market needs 2015-04-14 "Information security is an interdisciplinary field requiring expertise in many different areas,” says Fredrik Björck, a lecturer at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences.
- Is technology making us smarter? 2015-03-19
- New book: Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management 2015-02-27 Shang Gao from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, China and Lazar Rusu from Stockholm University, Sweden are the editors of a recently published book by IGI Global that is entitled “Modern Techniques for Successful IT Project Management”.
Program Board Meeting for CAiSE 2015 2015-03-02 The Program Board for Caise 2015 met at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV).
eGovlab's visiting professor Yanis Varoufakis is appointed as Greece's new finance minister 2015-02-02 Yanis Varoufakis, visiting professor at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences and eGovlab, is appointed as the new finance minister in Greece.
Love Ekenberg towards new challenges 2014-12-25 After more than six years Professor Love Ekenberg leaves the role as Dean of DSV. At the beginning of 2015, he starts as a senior researcher at the international renowned research institute IIASA.
Gunnar Wettergren - new deputy director of eGovlab 2014-12-18 The center eGovlab conducts interdisciplinary research close to both customers and funders to improve the efficiency and performance in the public sector. Gunnar will lead the operational work and increase coordination with the rest of DSV.
- Prospects for cooperation between DSV and FINKI 2018-05-25 Possibilities for establishing an exchange of scholars, both teachers and students, as well as opportunities for collaboration in various areas of education and research, including bilateral and EU programmes.
“Must-read for anyone interested in understanding the computing discipline” 2014-12-25 Those are the words in a review of a new book, “The Science of Computing: Shaping a Discipline”, by DSV’s associate professor Matti Tedre.
DSV’s new premises in NOD opens on August 25! 2014-08-20 DSV’s new premises in the Nod Building in Kista opens on August 25.
Apps innovation challenge for students 2014-03-27 eGovlab launches its “Apps4eGov Innovation Challenge” with the aim to innovate the delivery of public service. The contest is open for all students.
- eGovlab becomes official centre for eGovernance 2014-02-25
New professor: Lazar Rusu 2014-02-12 Lazar Rusu was appointed professor at DSV on December 1, 2013. His research area is IT management with a special focus on business-IT alignment.
- Love Ekenberg: Give Edward Snowden Nobel Peace Prize 2014-02-05 The whistle blower Edward Snowden changed the image of the United States by showing how extensive the superpower espionage is on the outside world. Love Ekenberg, Head of DSV have nominated Snowden to the 2014 Peace Prize.
Wired: Swedes Shame the NSA With Gingerbread Data Center Spy Movie 2013-12-15 The renowned Wired pays attention to an animated film by Jon Karlung, Bahnhof and Love Ekenberg, DSV “It’s probably the single most enjoyable comment on the year’s NSA spying scandal.”
Researchers at Stockholm University published in the prestigious Requirements Engineering Journal 2013-12-04 The research paper "Capturing consumer preferences as requirements for software product lines" written by Jelena Zdravkovic, Eric-Oluf Svee and Constantinos Giannoulis, has been published by the Requirements Engineering Journal, the highest ranked journal in this area of research, also Level 2.
Partnering with University of South Africa 2013-11-27 DSV has ventured into a partnership with University of South Africa (UNISA) – Nelson Mandela’s university. UNISA through Professor Liza Ceciel van Jaarsveldt will participate in a study on PhD programmes in four countries.
DSV - an department with "strong entrepreneurial" character and "broad collaboration" 2013-11-21 So is DSV described DSV by Astrid Soderbergh Widding, Stockholm University vice-chancellor in her blog.
Music in the gaming industry – Present and future opportunities 2013-11-13 On the 28th of November Kista Världsmusikfestival and Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, welcomes you to the seminar “Music in the gaming industry – Present and future opportunities”.
Rethinking poverty, education and human development in the “new” Kenya 2013-11-04 Dr. Kiprono Langat from the Charles Sturt University, Australia will give a talk at Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University on the them Rethinking poverty, education and human development in the “new” Kenya.
Yanis Varoufakis will be guest professor at DSV 2013-10-22 Yanis Varoufakis - a well-known academic economist and leading profiles in the debate on the recent economic crisis - will be a guest professor at DSV on 20 % during November 1 2013 – February 29 2016.
- Doctoral student Elin Uppström in the board of directors for IRIS 2013-09-24 The Department of Computer and Systems Sciences strengthens its position in the Nordic information systems sphere when Elin Uppström will be functioning as a graduate student representative on the board of the Nordic conference IRIS (Information systems research seminar in Scandinavia).
- VINNOVA Centre Day August 29: Invention - Innovation: harvesting and capitalizing on research assets 2013-08-19
- Stockholm University is the first Swedish member of OpenCourseWare Consortium 2013-06-10
Student at DSV wins Sorbonne Best Poster Award 2013-09-24 Master's student Thomas Speckert at Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University wins Sorbonne Best Poster Award.
- DSV hosts ICISO 2013 in Kista Science City 2013-09-24 On March 25-26 the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University hosts the International Conference ICISO 2013 Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations.
Oliver Popov on the Internet Hall of Fame Advisory Board 2013-03-14 Professor Oliver Popov was elected as a member of the Advisor Board on the selection, election and nomination of the members of the Internet Hall of Fame for 2013.
DAC welcomes you to the interactive art exhibition: Bio-tones on March 8 2013-03-04 By artist and researcher Vygandas Simbelis
New thesis: Collaborative E-learning Approach in Higher Education in Uganda 2013-04-03 In developing countries e-learning is often limited and in some cases lacking. A new thesis focuses on how collaborative e-learning can be integrated in the teaching and learning process to support learning at the university level in a developing country.
Smartphones for Human Rights 2013-02-24 The research project Mobile Online Learning for Human Rights offers an open online course on Human Rights to people in Kenya. Using a smartphone all interested students can access the free, online course.
Botswana Speaks: Vasilis Koulolias at TEDxYouth@Tallinn 2013-01-22 Connecting voices in a traditional democratic society
Botswana Speaks! receives the ePractice award 2013-01-29 The project aims at improving parliamentary efficiency, increase policy responsiveness and expand good governance through ICT.
DSV participated in the world conference Global Forum 2012 2013-01-09 Over 300 participants from 35 countries visited the conference dedicated to the Economic, Political, Social and Societal issues related to the sucessful evolution of the Information Society.
A framework for more secure e-gov services in Tanzania 2015-09-01 A doctoral thesis presented by Geoffrey Rwezaura Karokola from Tanzania. Geoffrey points out that there is a lack of awareness about the risks among users and the systems are not always adequately protected.
Utbildning för e-förvaltning i ”postsovjetiska” stater 2013-01-03 Ett projekt med deltagande från Sverige, Estland och Lettland utarbetat ett förslag till utbildningsprogram inom e-förvaltning (e-governance) främst för andra länder inom det forna Sovjetunionen.
It för utveckling och innovation av affären 2013-01-01 Ett tiotal CIO:er – de flesta vid stora svenska, internationella företag – deltar i de fem heldagsseminarier vid DSV. Tanken har varit skapa möten mellan teori och praktik. Text
- Funding for a project on diaspora Ethiopian entrepreneurship 2013-01-01 The last years we have seen a growing trend to recognize the diasporas important role in the development of their home countries. This has resulted in different programs to engage diasporas as investors, mentors and entrepreneurs. DSV is part of a project to facilitate diasporas engagement through promoting “circular migration”.
- Så kan datorspel bli tillgängligare för fler 2013-01-01 Nu finns det enkla riktlinjer för att utveckla mer tillgängliga datorspel. Guiden är framtagen av ledande internationella experter från datorspelbranschen och akademin, och har rönt stort intresse i branschen och i media. Thomas Westin på DSV är en av dessa experter.