HiNC3 solicits contributions in the form of full papers (not more than 3500 words) or extended abstracts (between 500 and 1000 words) about historical aspects of computing in the Nordic countries. The papers should conform to the aims and scope of the conference. The conference language is English.
Contributions must be submitted in pdf or MsWord and no later than 19 March 2010. All contributions should be submitted to the conference management system (preferably) or directly to the HiNC3 Program Committee via email at hinc3pc@dsv.su.se.
Authors who submit an extended abstract must provide a full (draft) paper by 14 June 2010. Papers must be submitted in pdf or MsWord formats.
Pre-proceedings with abstracts will be available during the conference. In order to be included in the program, the authors must register for the conference and pay the conference fee no later than 1 September 2010.
All papers will be included in the final conference proceedings and published after the conference by Springer in the series IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. The authors will be given a possibility to revise their papers.
Submission deadline for final papers: 1 December 2010. Editors of the final proceedings are IPC co-chairs Benkt Wangler and Per Lundin and IFIP representative John Impagliazzo. Final papers should be submitted according to Springer formating guidelines, which are available here. Please follow the submission guidelines and author instruction links. MsWord instructions formated according to the guidelines may also be downloaded from here (101 Kb) .
Authors will be required to sign an Assignment of Copyright to IFIP and Author's Warranty to Springer. The conference fee will include the shipment of the post-conference publication.
Information about previous HiNC proceedings can be found here: HiNC1 book, HiNC2 book.